MO Bio Laboratories

MO Bio Laboratories
MO BIO Laboratories is located in the San Diego biotech corridor (Carlsbad, CA, USA), and was founded in 1993 by Liz and Mark Brolaski. On January 11, 2016, QIAGEN announced the aquisition of MO BIO Laboratories.
MO BIO is known as the World Leader in Soil DNA & RNA Isolation®, thanks to its patented Inhibitor Removal Technology®, which enables isolation of pure DNA from challenging samples like soil, water, plants and stool. Thus, MO BIO kits are the method of choice for microbiome projects, as these studies often require isolation of nucleic acids from challenging samples that contain a variety of PCR inhibitors. Microbiome projects relying on MO BIO products include the Earth Microbiome Project (EMP), the NIH funded Human Microbiome Project (HMP), and many other related studies.
MO BIO’s Services Department provides certifications and sterility assurance services to many of the top plastics and medical device suppliers in the industry. As an ISO 9001:2008 certified company, MO BIO is committed to delivering the highest quality testing services to its customers.
In 2014, MO BIO established the Microbiome Awards, which provides young, extraordinary scientists with funding and recognition to carry out scientific work in the field of Microbiome research. The award is meant to support and bring to light the many variations of studies in this field.

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