楼主 | 收藏 | 举报 2018-03-15 15:46   浏览:409   回复:2


想请教NC,LNA都代表什么意思????? mir-34a表达的检测,,那么对应的mir-nc,mir-lna 和mir-34a等关系都是什么,个代表什么呀,,荧光素酶,强度越高就是结合的越多吗? 

沙发 | 回复 | 举报 2018-03-15 15:48

藤椅 | 回复 | 举报 2018-03-15 23:31

LNA: locked nucleic acid. Try to use the link:


for more details.

LNA is nothing to do luciferase assay. miR-LNA indicates micRNA is synthesized with LNA modification. In the figure, C is a result to normalize different synthesized microRNA or negative control (NC) exprerssion in testing cell lines, such as BT549, etc. D, a kind of result of luciferase assay upon different micRNA or NC transfection.

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