序列格式转换软件BioCocoa 2.2.2

日期:2013-11-05     浏览:1422    下载:57     体积:351K     评论:0    


BioCocoa is an open source Cocoa framework for bioinformatics written in Objective-C. We intend to provide Cocoa programmers with a full suite of tools for handling and manipulating biological sequences. Cocoa is a great framework for rapid application development and it is therefore often used to create innovative bioscientific apps. To speed up development even more, BioCocoa wants to offer reusable Cocoa classes that are specific for molecular biology and biofinformatics. At this time, BioCocoa offers model classes for biological sequences, controller classes for alignment, sequence manipulation and I/O, interfacing with ENTREZ and view classes that let you easily display and work with sequences in your own applications.


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