DNA分析GenomePixelizer 2003.10.1版

日期:2013-12-30     浏览:1507    下载:66     体积:1K     评论:0    


GenomePixelizer was designed to help in visualizing the relationships between duplicated genes in genome(s) and to follow relationships between members of gene clusters. GenomePixelizer may be useful in the detection of duplication events in genomes, tracking the "footprints" of evolution, as well as displaying the genetic maps and other aspects of comparative genetics.

GenomePixelizer may be considered a drawing tool that generates custom images of genomes out of the given set of genes. Each element on the picture has a physical address defined by coordinates (pixels), hence the name "GenomePixelizer".

显示基因组中重复基因与基因簇成员之间的相互关系的软件。特别是检测基因组中的重复事件(duplicating events),追踪进化的“足迹”以及显示遗传图等。程序需先安装TCL/TK后(分别为2.5M与1.1M),才能执行。

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