DNA分析GDA 1.1

日期:2013-12-20     浏览:1502    下载:76     体积:733K     评论:0    


Program by Paul O. Lewis and Dmitri Zaykin designed to accompany the book "Genetic Data Analysis" by Bruce S. Weir (1996, Sinaur Associates). Computes linkage and hardy-weinberg disequilibrium, some genetic distances, and provides method-of-moments estimators for hierarchical F-statistics.

Chris Basten has compiled a command-line-only version of GDA that runs under Mac OS 10.2.8 and 10.3 (Jaguar and Panther). This version can be downloaded here. After downloading, you should open a terminal window, navigate to the folder containing the file, and type "chmod +x gda1.1" to make GDA executable.

GDA为(Genetic Data Analysis)的缩写,主要用来进行不连续基因数据的统计分析,输入文件格式为NEXUS ,BIOSYS ,Weir与GeneStrut 。

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