
日期:2014-02-09     浏览:1395    下载:76     体积:175K     评论:0    


FreeView and FreeOView are programs for viewing and optimizing gene expression dendrograms written in Java programming language with Java SDK Standard Edition Version 1.3.

FreeView is a gene expression dendrogram viewer. It supports basic visualization of dendrograms, zooming, color and visualization schemes and image saving in JPG, BMP or PNG formats. FreeOView inherits all the functionality from FreeView, and additionally implements various dendrogram optimization procedures, including local and genetic algorithm-based optimization, and manual optimization with fitness indicator. Note that for n genes, dendrogram may be displayed in 2^(n-1) ways, so optimization attempts to find a dendrogram that would be optimal according to some global criteria. In its present version (1.0) FreeOView can optimize window-based variance or mutual information function.

基于JAVA语言的系统树生成软件,接收Cluster生成的数据,比Treeview增强了某些功能,源代码,64K。需要安装JRE和 Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) version 1.1。


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