三维分子Bioclipse 2.4.0

日期:2013-11-30     浏览:317    下载:18     体积:89K     评论:0    


Bioclipse is a free, open source, workbench for chemo- and bioinformatics with powerful editing and visualization capabilities for molecules, sequences, proteins, spectra etc.The major features are:

* Import and export in various file formats

* Visual editing of molecular 2D-structures

* 3D-visualization of molecules and proteins

* Editing and visualization of sequences and features (DNA, RNA, proteins etc)

* Graphing and editing of various types of spectra, e. g. NMR, MS

* Retrieval of resources (sequences, proteins, etc) from public data repositories

* Scripting of 3D-visualizations with syntax highlighting and content assistance

* PDB-editor with syntax highlighting for working with PDB files

* CMLRSS-viewer for downloading chemical content published on the web using RSS-feeds

* Chemtree for displaying a hierarchical view of molecular and macromolecular substructures

* Visualization of syandard chemical properties

* Powerful scripting language based on Mozilla Rhino for automating tasks

* Integrated, searchable help-system

* Connection with external programs, e. g. PyMol


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