
日期:2013-03-19     浏览:50626    下载:32977     体积:256K     评论:0    


Opens chromatogram files from Applied Biosystems and Amersham MegaBace DNA sequencers.

Opens SCF format chromatogram files created by ALF, Li-Cor, Visible Genetics OpenGene, Beckman CEQ 2000XL and CEQ 8000, and other sequencers.

View Genescan genotype files.

Save in SCF or Applied Biosystems format.

Prints chromatogram with options to zoom or fit to one page.

Exports sequences in plaint text, formatted with base numbering, FASTA, EMBL, GenBank or GCG formats.

Copy the sequence to the clipboard in plain text or FASTA format for pasting into other applications.

Export sequences from batches of chromatogram files, with automatic removal of vector sequence.

Reverse & complement the sequence and chromatogram.

Search for sequences by exact matching or optimal alignment.

Display translations in 3 frames along with the sequence.

Copy an image of a chromatogram section for pasting into documents or presentations.

一个可打开ABI格式序列文件,查看与编辑的Windows95软件。原始网站有Windows3.1版本。 共享软件,可免费使用60天,lite版本为免费版。

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