TreeView 1.6.6

日期:2012-12-26     浏览:15968    下载:7017     体积:937K     评论:0    


TreeView is a simple program for displaying phylogenies on Apple Macintosh and Windows PCs.TreeView provides a simple way to view the contents of a NEXUS, PHYLIP, Hennig86, Clustal, or other format tree file. While PAUP and MacClade have excellent tree printing facilities, there may be times you just want to view the trees without having to load the data set they were generated from. The PHYLIP package contains tree drawing programs which offer a greater variety of trees than TreeView, but are somewhat clumsy to use. The forthcoming PAUP* for Windows does not have a graphical interface, hence TreeView allows you to create publication quality trees from PAUP files, either directly, or by generating graphics files for editing by other programs.

Tree View是用来生成与打印进化树的软件,它可以读取NEXUS与PHYLIP生成的进化树格式文件,生成进化树,并输出到打印机。

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