2018 亚洲临床试验创新国际峰会


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2018 亚洲临床试验创新国际峰会
2018 亚洲临床试验创新国际峰会

2018 亚洲临床试验创新国际峰会 

多年来, 亚洲日益成为全球临床研究的温床和目的地。一方面, 越来越多的全球制药公司已经认识到将亚洲融入全球早期和晚期临床开发阶段的重要性和优势,同时亚洲临床研究市场被迅速改变的亚洲本地研发创新进一步推动和促进。

做为我们非常成功的临床试验峰会系列的一部分, 本次峰会将吸引超过 250 位临床研发领域的企业高层管理者参与,80% 的参会者为总监级别以上职位。绝大多数参会者来自跨国或本土的制药企业、生物技术公司,物流与供应链公司,国内外 CRO,第三方检验公司及医疗器械企业。相关政府官员、大学教授及中国顶级医院和研究院的研究者每年也竞相参与本会议。寻求新的商业合作机会并与行业同行们交流学习如何解决当前行业热点问题及挑战,如临床合作和外包策略; 合作伙伴关系处理,监管变革和亚洲市场准入; 在临床运营中的最佳实践技术; 数据收集、质量与风险管理; 提升供应链效率, 药物安全, 透明度和质量以及物流等问题, 保持和更新临床试验在该地区的增长速度与繁荣。

如果您期望与中国临床试验领域的决策者们会面及交流学习,这里将是您唯一正确的选择。令您及您的团队始终处于中国临床试验发展最前沿,尽在 2018 年 4 月 25 日和 26 日的中国临床试验领袖年会,期待您的参与!


我们欢迎阁下致电我们 86-21-31602153 获取更多信息,

请登录我们的会议网站 www.clinicaltrialsinnovation.com 或把您的问题发送至我们电邮 marketing@wbfgroup.com 。

Asia Clinical Trials Innovation Summit 2018

About ACTIS 2018---Outsourcing,Innovation and Supply

Over the years, Asia has increasingly become the hotbed and destination for the clinical research. From one side, increasingly global pharmaceutical companies have recognized the importance and advantages to integrate Asia into the global early and late phase clinical development but also meanwhile the Asian clinical research markets are further driven and facilitated by the rapidly transforming Asian Local R&D Innovation.

ACTIS 2018 are going to be focused on the biggest challenges in the industry currently,including, but not limited to supply requirements and regulation, quality assurance and working with the correct CROs.

Aart of our highly successful Clinical Trials series, the event, which attracts over 250 attendees, will build upon ACTIS 2018 and examine partnerships and outsourcing strategies; vendor management, sourcing and selection on both regional and global levels ;key regulatory changes and the effects these have had on Asian market access; best practice techniques in clinical operations; Data Collection, Quality,Safety and Risk Management; and so by visiting you will learn multiple techniques for better vendor sourcing, managing relationships, upply efficiency, trial operations management as well as logistical hurdlesuch as『packaging and labelling』,『temperature maintenance and cold chain』,『shipping, distribution and logistics』, – all of which will improve the success
of your trials and the commercial objectives of your company

With over 40 speakers and estimation to bring over 250 clinical professionals, the key congress topics will cover: --- 
Asian Regulation , Development and outsourcing Strategies---

Asian Clinical Operation and Project Management--- 

Drug Safety, Clinical Data Collection and Management--- 
Developing the Flexible, Strategic and Innovative Partnership--- 

ovel Theories, Clinical Innovation and Quality Assurance--- 

Clinical Supply Efficiency, Temperature Maintenance and Cold Chain--- 
ackaging and Labelling, Shipping, Distribution and Logistics

On ehalf of the committee, we sincerely hope primary discussions, topics and invitees would come across your scientific and strategic interests and the whole summit will be consisted of keynote speeches, panel/roundtable
discussions, open Q&A sessions, booth and poster exhibition and guided etworking sessions for all professionals and management who are working for the drug development programs in Asia

Eventame: The 3rd Annual Asia Clinical Trials Innovation Conference 2018

Date: April 25th to 26th,2018

Venue: Wyndhamund East Shanghai,China

Contacterson:Marketing Department

Direct Line:86 2131602153


Website: www.clinicaltrialsinnovation.com

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