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由中国分析测试协会和国际半导体设备与材料协会主办,中国分析测试协会试剂与应用技术分会(筹)和北京理化分析测试技术学会承办的“第一届国际试剂与应用技术报告会及展览会” 将于2009年11月25日至28日在北京展览馆举办。本次大会将邀请有关专家学者就试剂前沿技术、标准化及我国试剂现状和发展规划等作大会报告,并将安排精彩的专题学术报告。大会将第一次大规模集中展示我国近年来分析、生化、临床检验试剂以及各类特种试剂、中间体、电子化学品、实验室用化学品、标准物质的最新产品和研究成果。 本届会议组委会热诚欢迎试剂研究、生产、使用、销售、检测及关心试剂发展的人士前来北京参加化学试剂领域的这一盛会。 Sponsored by China Association for Instrumental Analysis and semiconduct or Equipment and Materials International, organized by Reagent and Application Technology Branch of China Association for Instrumental Analysis and Beijing Physical & Chemistry Testing Technology Society, the 1st International Conference and Exhibition on Reagent and Application Technology will be held on Nov. 25-28 ,2009 at Beijing Exhibition Center in Beijing. This conference and exhibition will invite experts and leaders to make reports on the leading reagent technology, standardization, the status of China reagent industry and its development. Splendid academic reports will also be arranged. The exhibition area is about 6000㎡, and it will be the first large scale collection of China latest products and research results on reagents of analysis, bio-chemistry, clinical test, and other special reagent, intermediate, electronic chemical product, lab-chemical product and standard substance. The organizing committee will warmly welcome all, who dedicate to the reagent research, production, usage, sales, testing and development, to come to Beijing and participate in this conference of chemical reagent industry. 参展范围/Exhibition Contents: 分析试剂/Analysis reagent * 生化试剂/Bio-chemical reagent * 临床检验试剂/Clinical test reagent * 微电子试剂及材料/Micro-electronics reagent and material * 校准试剂/Adjusting reagent * 高纯及超纯试剂/Pure and ultra-pure reagent * 科研用特种试剂/Special reagent for scientific research * 标准物质/Standard substance * 其他工业及实验室用试剂/Reagent for other industries and labs * 试剂制备设备及装置/Device and equipment of reagent preparation * 实验室用品、玻璃仪器及耗材/Labware, glass ware and consumptive materials标准展台为3m x 3m共9㎡,三面铝合金支撑架,三面木制墙壁,300mm横标用于书写厂商名称。摊位地毯,40瓦荧光灯两盏,单相220V (50Hz, 5A)万能电源插座一个,展桌一个,椅子两把,纸篓一个. 标准展位价格: 国际标准展位(3m×3m)[不设9㎡以下展台]: International standard stand(3m×3m)[smaller than 9㎡ is not accepted] 国内企业12800元(人民币)/展位/展期 Fee for Chinese enterprise is 12,800 RMB. 境外企业32800元(人民币)/展位/展期 Fee for foreign enterprise is 32,800 RMB.学术报告/Academic Report: 拟安排5个专题 5 topics will be arranged: (1)食品、环境及生物安全用试剂应用技术 reagent applied technology on food, environment and biological security (2)微电子试剂应用技术 micro-electronics reagent applicated technology (3)制药工业用试剂应用技术 reagent applied technology in pharmaceutical industry (4)临床检验试剂应用技术 clinical testing reagent applied technology (5)试剂制备及质量控制 reagent preparation and quality control
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