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会议网站: http://www.nigpas.ac.cn/new/Article_Show.asp?ArticleID=1357
会议背景介绍:     The 5th International Conference on Fossil Insects, Arthropods and Amber will be held at Capital Normal University in Beijing, China from 20th-25th August, 2010. A series of scientific sessions including plenary and special sessions, and special group meetings, in addition to mid-conference and post-conference field excursions will be organized. Social events and programs will also be arranged. 
征文范围及要求:     The 5th International Conference on Fossil Insects, Arthropods and Amber will be held at Capital Normal University in Beijing, China from 20th-25th August, 2010. A series of scientific sessions including plenary and special sessions, and special group meetings, in addition to mid-conference and post-conference field excursions will be organized. Social events and programs will also be arranged.
Author Guide is available below:
1. Papers must be written in English.
2. The text for a long paper must include the following elements: a. title of the paper; b. author’s name, affiliation and all relevant contact address; c. abstract of no more than 200 words; d. key words; e. introduction; f. text; g. discussion; h. conclusion; i. acknowledgement; j. references; k. brief (maximum of 100 words) biographical sketch of the first author.
3. References cited should follow the style below. These examples include journal article and book references.
Symons, D.T.A., and Sangster, D.F., 1991. Palaeomagnetic age of …. Economic Geology, 86(1): 1-12.
Lee, J.S., 1939. The Geology of China. London: Thomas Murby and Co., 528.
Bowden, P., and Turner, D.C., 1974. Peralkaline and associated ring-complexes …. In: Sorensen, H. (ed.), The Alkaline Rocks. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 330-51.
Cheng Yuqi, Wan Yusheng, Gao Jifeng and Ma Rui, 2001. Petrographic characteristics of three anatectically transformed metamorphic rock types of the Fuping Group—Complex of the Xiaojue Region, Pingshan, Hebei. Geological Review, 47(1): 1-8 (in Chinese with English abstract). 

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