收藏  |   举报 2006-08-31 17:27   关注:256   回答:2


已解决 悬赏分:0 - 解决时间 2025-01-12 01:03
举报 2006-09-04 02:54
RTPrimerDB is a public database for primer and probe sequences used in real-time PCR assays employing popular chemistries (SYBR Green I, Taqman, Hybridisation Probes, Molecular Beacon) to prevent time-consuming primer design and experimental optimisation, and to introduce a certain level of uniformity and standardisation among different laboratories.

We strongly encourage researchers to submit their validated primer and probe sequence, so that other users can benefit from their expertise. The database can be queried using the official gene name or symbol, Entrez or Ensembl Gene identifier, SNP identifier, or oligonucleotide sequence.
举报 2006-09-09 08:52
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