
NMDA Receptor 2B Basic Research Pack

产品价格: ¥492.00

最小起订量:暂无 可售数量:999盒

2020-10-03 02:00:46


货号: ESB-750
抗体名: NMDA Receptor 2B Basic Research Pack
抗体英文名: NMDA Receptor 2B Basic Research Pack
靶点: 见官方网站
浓度: 见官方网站
应用范围: 见官方网站
宿主: 见说明书
供应商: 上海信裕生物科技有限公司
数量: 大量
目录编号: ESB-750
抗原来源: 见说明书
保质期: 6个月
适应物种: 见官方网站
标记物: 见官方网站
保存条件: -20°C
形态: 液体或冻干粉
亚型: 见官方网站
免疫原: 见官方网站
规格: 5 Vials

NMDA Receptor 2B Basic Research Pack

All You Need for NMDA Receptor 2B Research
Cat #: ESB-750
5 Vials

Alomone Labs is pleased to offer the NMDA Receptor 2B Basic Research Pack (#ESB-750). The Research Pack contains all you need for NMDA research: NR2B-specific antibody and NMDA receptor modulators all in one economical package!

  • Compounds
  • Scientific Background
  • Related Products
Product Name Cat # Size
Anti-NMDA Receptor 2B (GluN2B) (extracellular)
AGC-003 1 x 0.2 ml
5,7-Dichlorokynurenic acid
D-190 1 x 50 mg
(+)-MK 801 maleate
M-230 1 x 50 mg
N-170 1 x 250 mg

NMDA Receptor 2B Basic Research PackScientific Background 

The NMDA receptors are members of the glutamate receptor family of ion channels that also include the AMPA and Kainate receptors.

The NMDA receptors are encoded by seven genes: one NMDAR1 (or NR1) subunit, four NR2 (NR2A-NR2D) and two NR3 (NR3A-NR3B) subunits. The functional NMDA receptor appears to be a heterotetramer composed of two NMDAR1 and two NMDAR2 subunits. Whereas the NMDAR2 subunits that assemble with the NMDAR1 subunit can be either of the same kind (i.e. two NMDAR2A subunits) or different (one NMDAR2A with one NMDAR2B). NMDAR3 subunits can substitute the NMDAR2 subunits in their complex with the NMDAR1 subunit.

The NMDAR is unique among ligand-gated ion channels in that it requires the simultaneous binding of two obligatory agonists: glycine and glutamate that bind to the NMDAR1 and NMDAR2 binding sites respectively. Another unique characteristic of the NMDA receptors is their dependence on membrane potential. At resting membrane potentials the channels are blocked by extracellular Mg2+. Neuronal depolarization relieves the Mg2+ blockage and allows ion influx into the cells. NMDA receptors are strongly selective for Ca2+ influx differing from the other glutamate receptor ion channels that are non-selective cation channels.

Ca2+ entry through the NMDAR regulates numerous downstream signaling pathways including long term potentiation (a molecular model of memory) and synaptic plasticity that may underlie learning. In addition, the NMDA receptors have been implicated in a variety of neurological disorders including epilepsy, ischemic brain damage, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.

NMDA receptors expression and function are modulated by a variety of factors including receptor trafficking to the synapses and internalization as well as phosphorylation and interaction with other intracellular proteins.

  1. Dingledine, R. et al. (1999) Pharmacol. Rev51, 7.
  2. Mayer, M.L. and Armstrong, N. (2004) Annu. Rev. Physiol66, 161.
  3. Prybylowski, K. and Wenthold, R.J. (2004) J. Biol. Chem279, 9673.
  4. Mayer, M.L. (2006) Nature 440, 456.


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