

产品价格: ¥8800.00

最小起订量:暂无 可售数量:999盒

2021-04-06 01:30:02


货号: HHC001
生长状态: 存活率95%以上
年限: 6个月
运输方式: 37度运输
器官来源: Liver
是否是肿瘤细胞: NC
细胞形态: 梭形
免疫类型: NC
物种来源: Human
相关疾病: NC
组织来源: Liver
品系: NC
ATCC Number: NC
细胞类型: Adherent
肿瘤类型: NC
供应商: biocyto
数量: 3
规格: 10^6
Primary hepatocyte culture is a valuable tool that has been broadlyused in basic research of liver function, disease, pathophysiology,pharmacology and other related subjects. The method based on two-stepcollagenase perfusion for isolation of intact hepatocytes was firstintroduced by Berry and Friend in 1969 and, since then, has undergonemany modifications. The most commonly used technique was described bySeglen in 1976 .
Product Catalog no. Amount Storage
Human Primary Hepatocytes HHC001 1X10^6/vial in liquid nitrogen

Product Use
For Research Use Only.Not for use in diagnostic procedures

Important Information
Hepatocyte cell grow best medium supplemneted with 10%FBS in M199 Media

Culture Conditions
Culture Type:Adherent 
Temperature Range:36℃ to 38℃
Incubator Atmosphere:Humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2
Size:The typical hepatocyte is cubical with sides of 20-30 µm

Passaging Adherent Cells 
All solutions and equipment that come in contact with the cells must be sterile.
Always use proper sterile technique and work in a laminar flow hood.
1. Remove and discard the spent cell culture media from the culture vessel.
2. Wash cells using a balanced salt solution without calcium and magnesium (approximately 2 mL per 10 cm2 culture surface area). Gently add washsolution to the side of the vessel opposite the attached cell layer to avoiddisturbing the cell       layer,and rock the vessel back and forth several times.
    Note: The wash step removes any traces of serum, calcium, and magnesium that would inhibit the action of the dissociation reagent.
3. Remove and discard the wash solution from the culture vessel
4. Add the pre-warmed dissociation reagent such as trypsin or TrypLE™to the side of the flask; use enough reagent to cover the cell layer (approximately0.5 mL per 10 cm2). Gently rock the container to get complete coverage of the cell          layer.
5. Incubate the culture vessel at room temperature for approximately 2minutes.
that the actual incubation time varies with the cell line used.
6. Observe the cells under the microscope for detachment. If cells areless than 90% detached, increase the incubation time a few more minutes, checking for dissociation every 30 seconds. You may also tap the vessel to expedite cell Tetachment.
7. When ≥ 90% of the cells have detached, tilt the vessel for a minimallength of time to allow the cells to drain. Add the equivalent of 2 volumes (twice thevolume used for the dissociation reagent) of pre-warmed complete growth medium.Disperse the medium by pipetting over the cell layer surface several times.
8. Transfer the cells to a 15-mL conical tube and centrifuge then at200 × g for 5 to 10 minutes. Note that the centrifuge speed and time vary based on the cell type.
9. Resuspend the cell pellet in a minimal volume of pre-warmed complete growth medium and remove a sample for counting.
10. Determine the total number of cells and percent viability using a hemacytometer, cell counter and Trypan Blue exclusion, or the Countess® Automated CellCounter. If necessary, add growth media to the cells to achieve the desired cellconcentration and recount the cells.


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