

产品价格: ¥4600.00

最小起订量:暂无 可售数量:999盒

2020-10-11 02:00:01


货号: 52-9500(FC3000-2)
CAS号: 见说明
供应商: Fluorochrome
数量: 一定量库存
英文名: Fluoro-Ruby
保质期: 1-2年
保存条件: 2-8℃保存
注册证号: 见说明书
规格: 30mg


美国 Fluorochorome 公司于1985 年成立于美国科罗拉多州丹佛市,Fluorochorome 一直致力于荧光染料的研究与开发,其专利产品Fluoro-Gold(荧光金)自 1985 年来在全球范围内被广泛应用,并有大量的参考文献。同时,Fluorochrome公司特别开发了高灵敏度的 Antibody to Fluoro-Gold 、以及Fluoro-Ruby(红色荧光金)等产品,Fluorochrome 公司坚 持以优质的产品和热情的服务赢得了良好的知名度和口碑。


    联系电话:(303) 394-1000 
    联系地址:1801 Williams Street, Suite 100 Denver, Colorado 80218 USA


                  代理商名称 联系电话 区域
深圳市豪地华拓生物科技有限公司 0755-26055215 0755-33654576 020-85557146 全国


荧光金(Fluoro-Gold)是Fluorochrome 公司经过多年研究开发出来的独家专利产品,真正Fluoro-Gold(Fluorogold)仅由Fluorochrome公司以及全球各地区指定授权代理销售。Fluoro-Gold自1985年以来被广泛使用,其他公司营销产品时声称他们的是一样的替代或假冒Fluoro-Gold。事实上,这些化合物的化学结构与Fluoro-Gold不同,化合物的某些物理性质是非常不同的。

假冒伪劣产品特点:供应公司声称自己为很多个品牌的一级授权代理,但均无授权证明;只宣传宣传推广很多品牌,没有详细产品信息,并在其他正规网站均无授权认证信息。例如单做品牌的百度推广,代理信息无法证明的;替代产品所用普通的荧光染料价格非常低廉,以假乱真有丰富的利润可图,包装简陋,均低于市场均价,质量差,效果存在较大差异,导致老师实验受到影响 而重新订购。 客户和经销商朋友订购时完全可要求提供Fluorochrome公司出货单及国际快递单号。务必确认产品为正规来源。

深圳市豪地华拓生物科技有限公司为 Fluorochrome公司在中国大陆及港澳地区的指定独家授权代理。我们可以提供完善的技术支持和售后保障。 我公司2005年开始代理和推广 Fluorochrome公司产品,其中文名称“荧光金”源自广州华拓公司,其货号“FC10001、FC20001…“为华拓公司自编货号:我们的价格优势-Fluorochrome正品国内最低价。

 e-mail:order@otwobiotech.com    Telephone:(86)0755-26055215
Fluorochrome公司直接联系方式:e-mail: info@Fluorochorome.com   Telephone:(303) 394-1000   Fax: (303) 321-1119    




Fig.1 Amygdala cells (40X) after Fluoro-Gold injection in the PVN.  Antibody is at 1/50,000

Fig.2 High magnification view of Fluoro-Ruby labeled axons, terminals and vascular pericytes as seen in the rat striatum following tracerinjection into the contralateral substantia nigra. ​

52-9400 荧光金 Fluoro-Gold 20mg Fluorochrome
52-9400 荧光金 Fluoro-Gold 50mg Fluorochrome
52-9600 荧光金抗体 Antibody to Fluoro-Gold 0.1ml×1 Fluorochrome
52-9500 红色荧光金 Fluoro-Ruby 30mg Fluorochrome
52-9610   Ki067 Antibody-W 200ul Fluorochrome
52-9620   GFAP Antibody-W 200ul Fluorochrome
52-9630   BrdU Antibody-W 200ul Fluorochrome
Fluoro-Gold 、Fluoro-Ruby文献资料

Tosolini A.P., Mohan R, Morris R., “Targeting the full length of the motor end plates regions in the mouse forelimb increases the uptake of Fluoro-Gold into corresponding spinal cord motor neurons,” Frontiers in Neurology (2013) 1-10.

Tosolini A.P., Mohan R., “Spatial characterization of the motor neuron columns supplying the rat forelimb,” Neuroscience 200 (2012) 19-30.

Bowyer, J.F. and Schmued, L., Fluoro-Ruby labeling prior to an amphetamine neurotoxic insult shows a definitive massive loss of dopaminergic terminals and axons in caudateputamen. Brain Res., 1075, (2006) 236-239.

*Schmued, L.C., “Anti-retrograde and retrograde neuroanatomical tract tracing with fluorescent compounds,” Neuroscience Protocols, 94-050-02 (1994) 1-15.

Van Bockstaele, E.J., Wright, A.M., Cestari, D.M., and Pickel, V.M., “Immunolabeling of retrogradely transported Fluoro-Gold: sensitivity and application to ultrastructural analysis of transmitter-specific mesolimbic circuitry,” Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 55 (1994) 65-78.

*Bowyer, J.F., Gough, B., Broening, H.W., Newport, G.D., and Schmued, L., “Fluoro-Gold and Pentamidine Inhibit the In Vitro and In Vivo Release of Dopamine in the Striatum of Rat,” The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 266 (1993) 1066-1074.

Balercia, G., Chen, S., and Bentivoglio, M., “Electron microscopic analysis of fluorescent neuronal labeling after photoconversion,” Journal of Neuroscience Methods 45 (1992) 87-98. [Link]

*Chang, H.T., Kuo, H., Whittaker, J.A., and Cooper, N.G.F., “Light and electron microscopic analysis of projection neurons retrogradely labeled with Fluoro-Gold notes on the application of antibodies of Fluoro-Gold,” Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 35 (1990) 31-37.

Schmued, L., “Fluoro-Gold and 4-Acetamido-4′-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2’disulfonic Acid: Use of Substituted Stilbenes in Neuroanatomical Studies,” Methods in Neurosciences, 3 (1990) 317-330.

Schmued, L., Kyriakidis, K., & Heimer, L., In vivo anterograde and retrograde axonal transport of the fluorescent rhodamine-dextran-amine, Fluoro-Ruby, within the CNS. Brain Res, 526 (1990) 127-134.

Schmued, L.C., Kyriakidis, K., Fallon, J.H., and Ribak, C.E., “Neurons containing retrogradely transported Fluoro-Gold exhibit a variety of iysosomal profiles: a combined brightfield, fluorescence and electron microscopic study,” Journal of Neurocytology, 18 (1989) 333-343.

*Pieribone, V.A., Aston-Jones, G., “The iontophoretic application of Flouro-Gold for the study of the afferents to deep brain nuclei,” Brain Research 475 (1988) 259-271. [Link]

Reep, R.L., Baccala, M.J., Booth, M.P., and Goodwin, G.S., “Combined retrograde and anterograde tracing of neuronal connections: Fluoro-Gold and autoradiography,” Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 23 (1988) 1-5.

*Schmued, L.C. and Fallon, J.H., “Fluoro-Gold: a fluorescent retrograde axonal tracer with numerous unique properties,” Brain Research, 377 (1986) 147-154.

Notice: The original and only true Fluoro-Gold (Fluorogold) is produced by Fluorochrome, LLC and marketed by Fluorochrome, LLC and Histo-Chem Inc.Fluoro-Gold (Fluorogold) is an exclusive product of Fluorochrome, LLC. It has been sold by Fluorochrome and widely used since 1985. Other companies are marketing a product they claim is the same as or equivalent to Fluoro-Gold. In fact, the chemical structures of these compounds seem to be different from Fluoro-Gold. Certain physical properties of the compounds may be very different.





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