

产品价格: ¥3200.00

最小起订量:暂无 可售数量:999盒

2021-05-27 01:30:02


货号: SMF-3001-1,SMF-2026-1,SMF-2002-1,SMF-2003-1,SMF-2006-1
数量: 大量
英文名: Stellaris™ FISH Probes, Mouse GAPDH with Quasar® 570 Dye
供应商: biosearch
规格: 1 nmol

Biosearch Technologies’ new catalogued assays for Stellaris RNA FISH significantly improve ease of use for the Stellaris technology by providing convenient positive controls, and reducing uncertainty associated with designing an untested probe set against a new RNA target. Scientists can use these products to pursue research using RNA FISH and combine them into multiplexed assays with probes targeting other RNA transcripts or even protein targets.

Learn more about the Stellaris RNA FISH technology by downloading our white paper.

Foundation Genes for Solid Science

Biosearch now supplies pre-designed probes set for “foundation genes” so that you can build reliable gene expression experiments that will stand up to scrutiny. These foundation genes were carefully selected on the basis of being essential single copy genes with broad expression across cell types. In short, they are more than reference genes– they provide a basis for unshakeable science. The following genes are categorized as foundation genes for use in human cells: GAPDH, HMBS, POLR2A, TFRC and TOP1.

Application Specific Probe Sets

Biosearch also offers probe sets which target genes unique to specialized areas of research. At present, probe sets are available for genes in the hypusine pathway, and select oncogenes. Hypusine is a post-translational modification unique to eukaryotic initiation factor 5A (eIF5A), and essential for both the activity of eIF5A and cell replication. The variant eIF5A2 is found in various solid tumors and joins c-Myc and ERBB2 as our initial oncogene offerings.


You can find the most up-to-date protocols for Catalogued Stellaris FISH Probes by clicking on the Technical Specs tab (above).

Ordering Details:

  • Product Offerings: Biosearch currently offers catalogued probe sets for a variety of RNA targets in human cells, and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) in mouse cells.
  • Delivered Amount: 1 nmol of pooled oligos
  • Price: Starts at 3200元for all catalogued Stellaris probes
  • Turnaround time: Catalogued Stellaris FISH Probes ship the same day via FedEx Priority (unless specified otherwise) for orders placed before 2:00 PM (PST)

Related Products:

  • Custom Stellaris FISH Probes

Stellaris Image Gallery

See Stellaris FISH Probes at work by viewing our  image gallery.  Images are contributed by customers and by scientists from Biosearch Technologies.

Stellaris Image Gallery
Stellaris Video

Watch our Stellaris promotional video.

  • Stellaris™ Product Insert for Mouse GAPDH with Quasar® 570 Dye, SMF-3001-1
  • Stellaris™ Product Insert for Human GAPDH with Quasar® 570 Dye, SMF-2026-1
  • Stellaris™ Product Insert for Human HMBS with Quasar® 570 Dye, SMF-2002-1
  • Stellaris™ Product Insert for Human POLR2A with Quasar® 570 Dye, SMF-2003-1
  • Stellaris™ Product Insert for Human TFRC with Quasar® 570 Dye, SMF-2006-1
  • Stellaris™ Product Insert for Human TOP1 with Quasar® 570 Dye, SMF-2007-1
  • Stellaris™ Product Insert for Human ERBB2 with Quasar® 570 Dye, SMF-2010-1
  • Stellaris™ Product Insert for Human MYC with Quasar® 570 Dye, SMF-2013-1
  • Stellaris™ Product Insert for Human DHPS with Quasar® 570 Dye, SMF-2014-1
  • Stellaris™ Product Insert for Human DOHH with Quasar® 570 Dye, SMF-2015-1
  • Stellaris™ Product Insert for Human EIF5A1 with Quasar® 570 Dye, SMF-2016-1
  • Stellaris™ Product Insert for Human EIF5A2 with Quasar® 570 Dye, SMF-2017-1
  • Stellaris™ Product Insert for Human SAT1 with Quasar® 570 Dye, SMF-2018-1
  • Single Molecule Imaging of RNA In Situ
    Batish, M.; Raj, A.; Tyagi, S. Methods of Molecular Biology 2011, DOI:10.1007/978-1-61779-005-8_1.

Order Now
To order all of the items in this panel, you can simply click the "ADD ALL ITEMS TO CART" button to the right. This will add one of each of the items on the panel below. You can order items individually by chosing them from below.
  SMF-3001-1    Stellaris™ FISH Probes, Mouse GAPDH with Quasar® 570 Dye 3200元     1 1 nmol Total
  SMF-2026-1    Stellaris™ FISH Probes, Human GAPDH with Quasar® 570 Dye 3200元     1 1 nmol Total
  SMF-2002-1    Stellaris™ FISH Probes, Human HMBS with Quasar® 570 Dye 3200元 1 1 nmol Total
  SMF-2003-1   Stellaris™ FISH Probes, Human POLR2A with Quasar® 570 Dye 3200元 1 1 nmol Total
  SMF-2006-1   Stellaris™ FISH Probes, Human TFRC with Quasar® 570 Dye 3200元 1 1 nmol Total
  SMF-2007-1   Stellaris™ FISH Probes, Human TOP1 with Quasar® 570 Dye 3200元 1 1 nmol Total
  SMF-2010-1   Stellaris™ FISH Probes, Human ERBB2 with Quasar® 570 Dye 3200元 1 1 nmol Total
  SMF-2013-1   Stellaris™ FISH Probes, Human MYC with Quasar® 570 Dye 3910元 1 1 nmol Total
  SMF-2014-1   Stellaris™ FISH Probes, Human DHPS with Quasar® 570 Dye 3910元 1 1 nmol Total
  SMF-2015-1   Stellaris™ FISH Probes, Human DOHH with Quasar® 570 Dye 3910元 1 1 nmol Total
  SMF-2016-1   Stellaris™ FISH Probes, Human EIF5A1 with Quasar® 570 Dye 3910元 1 1 nmol Total
  SMF-2017-1   Stellaris™ FISH Probes, Human EIF5A2 with Quasar® 570 Dye 3910元 1 1 nmol Total
  SMF-2018-1   Stellaris™ FISH Probes, Human SAT1 with Quasar® 570 Dye 3910元 1 1 nmol Total


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