货号: | DLHK7 |
样本: | 20ul |
标记物: | 乳胶颗粒 |
应用: | 血浆 |
检测方法: | 凝集法 |
供应商: | Boatman Biotech |
数量: | 大量 |
规格: | 60 tests |
The DIMERTEST® Latex Assay is intended for the rapid qualitative or semi-quantitative evaluation of circulating derivatives of cross-linked fibrin degradation products (XL-FDP) in human plasma.
During blood coagulation, fibrinogen is converted to fibrin by the activation of thrombin. The resulting fibrin monomers polymerize to form a soluble gel of non-cross-linked fibrin. This fibrin gel is then converted to cross-linked fibrin by thrombin activated Factor XIII to form an insoluble fibrin clot. Production of plasmin, the major clot-lysing enzyme, is triggered when a fibrin clot is formed.
Fibrinogen and fibrin are both cleaved by the fibrinolytic enzyme plasmin to yield degradation products, but only degradation products from cross-linked fibrin contain D-dimer1-3. Therefore, cross-linked fibrin degradation products (XL-FDP) are a specific marker of fibrinolysis.
DIMERTEST® Latex is a rapid agglutination assay utilizing latex beads coupled with a highly specific D-dimer monoclonal antibody. XL-FDP present in a plasma sample bind to the coated latex beads, which results in visible agglutination occurring when the concentration of D-dimer is above the threshold of detection of the assay.