大鼠心肌梗塞动物模型实验方案冠状动脉左前降支结扎(1)实验开始前大鼠随机分组;(2)麻醉大鼠后,大鼠开胸后结扎冠状动脉左前降支;(3)结扎成功的大鼠可见灰白的缺血区,心电图显示T波抬高;梗塞面积测量(4)实验结束时取心脏,切成薄片;(5)TTC染色后甲醛固定;(6)根据染色结果计算梗塞面积。Breif protocol of myocardial infaction (MI ) modelLeft coronary artery occlusion(1)Studies were performed on rats. Animals were randomly divided into several groups before study.(2)Each rat was anesthetized, and a left thoracotomy was performed to exteriorize the heart rapidly by gentle pressure on the right side of the thorax. (3)The left anterior descending coronary artery was permanently ligated using 7-0 silk suture 2-3 mm from its origin between the pulmonary artery conus and the left atrium. (4)Successful ligation of the coronary artery was evidenced by regional cyanosis immediately in the ischemic area (anterior ventricular wall and the apex) of the heart with color change greater than 40% of left ventricular and confirmed by ECG.(5)The heart was then returned to its normal position and the thorax immediately closed. (6)Surviving rats were maintained on standard rat chow and water ad libitum.Infarct Size Measurement(7)The entire ventricular tissue was dissected, cut into six horizontal slices and sections.(8)After incubation in 2,3,5-triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TTC) solution. After that the sections were immersed in formalin. (9)After fixing, slices were photographed and captured separately as digital images. Total area and infarct area were determined by computerized planimetry. Percentage infarct size was calculated as the infarct area/total left ventricular area.电话:021-38751963联系人:颜先生邮箱:ylc@shbda.com