肝纤维化模型 (四氯化碳)实验方案:1) 大鼠每周两次灌胃给予50%CCL4(橄榄油1:1混合)造模,持续3个月;2) 造模结束后,取血检测生化指标,包括转氨酶, 总蛋白等;3) 取肝作病理切片, HE染色,Masson 染色等;
Brief protocol of CCL4 induced liver fibrosis model:1) All rats except the Sham group are treated with 1mL/kg CCL4 in olive oil (1:1) i.g. twice per week for 10-12 weeks.2) Body weight will be measured once a week. And treatment will be adjusted based on the actual body weight.3) Forty-eight hours after the last CCl4 injection, blood is collected for biochemical measurement (including ALT, AST, TB, TP, TBIL, DBIL, ALB etc). The liver is excised and is immediately fixed in formalin for histology analysis.