
Anti-NeuN抗体[EPR12763] - Neuronal Marker (Alexa Fluor® 488)

产品价格: ¥2400.00

最小起订量:暂无 可售数量:暂无

2021-04-19 01:30:02




  • 偶联物Alexa Fluor® 488. Ex: 495nm, Em: 519nm
  • 经测试应用ICC/IF, Flow Cyt, IHC-Frmore details
  • 种属反应性
    与反应: Mouse, Rat, Human 预测可用于: Sheep, Goat, Cat, Dog, Zebrafish, Marmoset (common)
  • 免疫原

    Synthetic peptide within Human NeuN aa 1-100 (Cysteine residue). The exact sequence is proprietary. Database link: A6NFN3

  • 阳性对照
    • ICC/IF: NGF-differentiated PC12 cells and U-87 MG cells. IHC-Fr: Rat Brain (Normal). Flow Cyt: U-87 MG cells.
  • 常规说明

    This product is a recombinant rabbit monoclonal antibody.

    Produced using Abcam’s RabMAb® technology. RabMAb® technology is covered by the following U.S. Patents, No. 5,675,063 and/or 7,429,487.

    The Alexa Fluor® dye included in this product is provided under an intellectual property license from Life Technologies Corporation. As this product contains the Alexa Fluor® dye, the purchase of this product conveys to the buyer the non-transferable right to use the purchased product and components of the product only in research conducted by the buyer (whether the buyer is an academic or for-profit entity). As this product contains the Alexa Fluor® dye the sale of this product is expressly conditioned on the buyer not using the product or its components, or any materials made using the product or its components, in any activity to generate revenue, which may include, but is not limited to use of the product or its components: (i) in manufacturing; (ii) to provide a service, information, or data in return for payment (iii) for therapeutic, diagnostic or prophylactic purposes; or (iv) for resale, regardless of whether they are sold for use in research. For information on purchasing a license to use products containing Alexa Fluor® dyes for purposes other than research, contact Life Technologies Corporation, 5791 Van Allen Way, Carlsbad, CA 92008 USA or outlicensing@lifetech.com.


    Alternative versions available:

    Anti-NeuN antibody [EPR12763] - Neuronal Marker (ab177487) Anti-NeuN antibody (Alexa Fluor® 647) [EPR12763] - Neuronal Marker (ab190565)


  • 形式Liquid
  • 存放说明Shipped at 4°C. Store at +4°C short term (1-2 weeks). Upon delivery aliquot. Store at -20°C long term. Avoid freeze / thaw cycle. Store In the Dark.
  • 存储溶液pH: 7.20 Preservative: 0.02% Sodium azide Constituents: PBS, 30% Glycerol, 1% BSA
  • 浓度100 µl 浓度为 0.5 mg/ml 
  • 纯度Affinity Purified
  • 克隆单克隆
  • 克隆编号EPR12763
  • 同种型IgG
  • 研究领域
    • Neuroscience
    • Cell Type Marker
    • Neuron marker
    • Soma marker
    • Tags & Cell Markers
    • Cell Type Markers
    • Neuroscience Markers
    • Neuronal
    • Epigenetics and Nuclear Signaling
    • Transcription
    • Domain Families
    • Forkhead Box
    • Other FOXes
    • Epigenetics and Nuclear Signaling
    • Transcription
    • Transcription Factors


Our Abpromise guarantee covers the use of ab190195 in the following tested applications.

The application notes include recommended starting dilutions; optimal dilutions/concentrations should be determined by the end user.

应用 Abreviews 说明
ICC/IF   1/50 - 1/250.
Flow Cyt   1/500.

ab199091 - Rabbit monoclonal IgG (Alexa Fluor® 488), is suitable for use as an isotype control with this antibody.

IHC-Fr   1/50.

Before commencing with immunostaining protocol, perform heat mediated antigen retrieval using sodium citrate buffer, pH6.


  • 功能RNA-binding protein that regulates alternative splicing events.
  • 序列相似性Contains 1 RRM (RNA recognition motif) domain.
  • 细胞定位Nucleus. Cytoplasm.
  • Anti-NeuN antibody [EPR12763] - Neuronal Marker (Alexa Fluor® 488) 图像

    • Overlay histogram showing U-87MG cells stained with ab190195 (red line). The cells were fixed with 80% methanol (5 min) and then permeabilized with 0.1% PBS-Tween for 20 min. The cells were then incubated in 1x PBS / 10% normal goat serum / 0.3M glycine to block non-specific protein-protein interactions followed by the antibody (ab190195, 1/500 dilution) for 30 min at 22°C. Isotype control antibody (black line) was rabbit IgG (monoclonal) Alexa Fluor® 488 used at the same concentration and conditions as the primary antibody. Unlabelled sample (blue line) was also used as a control.

      Acquisition of >5,000 events were collected using a 20mW Argon ion laser (488nm) and 525/30 bandpass filter.

      This antibody gave a positive signal in U-87MG fixed with 4% formaldehyde (10 min)/permeabilized with 0.1% PBS-Tween for 20 min used under the same conditions.

    • ab190195 staining NeuN in NGF-differentiated PC12 cells (7 days). The cells were fixed with 100% methanol (5min) and then blocked in 1% BSA/10% normal goat serum/0.3M glycine in 0.1% PBS-Tween for 1h. The cells were then incubated with ab190195 at 1/50 dilution (shown in green) and ab7291 (Mouse monoclonal [DM1A] to alpha Tubulin) at 1µg/ml overnight at +4°C, followed by a further incubation at room temperature for 1h with an Alexa Fluor® 594 Goat anti-Mouse secondary (ab150120) at 2 μg/ml (shown in red). Nuclear DNA was labelled in blue with DAPI.

    • IHC image of ab190195 staining in acetone fixed  frozen tissue section of normal rat brain.

      The section was pre-treated using heat mediated antigen retrieval with sodium citrate buffer (pH6) in a Dako Pascal pressure cooker using the standard factory-set regime. Non-specific protein-protein interactions were then blocked using in TBS containing 0.025% (v/v) Triton X-100, 0.3M (w/v) glycine and 3% (w/v) BSA for 1h at room temperature. The section was then incubated with ab190195 (1/50) in TBS containing 0.025% (v/v) Triton X-100 and 3% (w/v) BSA overnight at +4°C. The section was then counterstained and mounted with SlowFade® Gold Antifade Mountant with DAPI.

      The DAPI only control (no antibody) inset shows no autofluorescence, demonstrating that any Alexa Fluor®488 signal is dervied directly from bound ab190195. The separate images of ab190195 and DAPI alone, combined with the merged version of both signals, shows predominant co-localisation of the Alexa Fluor®488 signal in the nuclei of the hippocampal granular layer.

      For other IHC staining systems (automated and non-automated), customers should optimize variable parameters such as antigen retrieval conditions, antibody concentrations and incubation times.

    • ab190195 staining NeuN in U87-MG cells. The cells were fixed with 100% methanol (5min) and then blocked in 1% BSA/10% normal goat serum/0.3M glycine in 0.1% PBS-Tween for 1h. The cells were then incubated with ab190195 at 1/50 dilution (shown in green) and ab7291(Mouse monoclonal [DM1A] to alpha Tubulin) at 1µg/ml overnight at +4°C, followed by a further incubation at room temperature for 1h with an Alexa Fluor® 594 Goat anti-Mouse secondary (ab150120) at 2 μg/ml (shown in red). Nuclear DNA was labelled in blue with DAPI.


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