

产品价格: ¥1000.00

最小起订量:暂无 可售数量:暂无

2021-07-01 01:30:03




1.European Bilberry Extracts ( Vaccinum mytillus ) 2. Anthocyanidins 15%, 25% 3.Dark violet powder 4.GMP Factory 5.In Stock

Billberry Extracts

Product Name: Billberry Extracts

Latin name of plants: Vaccinium uliginosum Linn

Section: Ericaceae

Genus: Vacciniodeae

Using parts: Fruit

Plant sources: Vacciniaceae Vaccinium L. defoliation or evergreen shrubs or Semi-tree blueberries berries

Effective ingredient: anthocyanin, polyphenolic and flavonoid substances.

Properties: This product is dark purple powder.

Specification: anthocyanin: 15% UV;

                      anthocyanin: 25% UV;


1. Product Introduction


Blueberry, also known as billberry, blue berry, is a Ericaceae Vaccinioideae Vacciniodeae plants, perennial deciduous or evergreen shrub or small shrubs, widely distributed in the northern hemisphere. Blueberry fruit contains some substances which can prevent brain aging, enhance heart function, improve eyesight, and anti-cancer, Therefore, it is as one of the human five healthy food in the international FAO



2. Product Function

(1) Protect eyesight and prevent blindness, blue light, cataracts, retinal bleeding, improve myopia and macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, retinitis pigmentosa and night blindness and so on;

(2) Increase the flexibility of capillaries, can promote blood vessel dilation and flexibility, prevent vascular rupture. Provide anti-oxidants, can eliminate free radicals ,prevent arteriosclerosis;

(3) Not only can strengthen the capillary of eyes, of course, can strengthen capillaries of other organs in the body, can prevent vascular disease of organs;

(4) Eliminate free radicals, when free radicals infract the DNA in the cells, it is the beginning of cancer. Blueberries are an antioxidant, which is the bane of free radicals, it is the scavenger of

clearing the free radical;



3. Peoduct Safety


In the recommended does, blueberry extract is safe. A wide range of toxicity studies confirm that blueberry proanthocyanidins completely did not toxic side effects. In the recommended dose (standard dose of blueberries should be on the basis of their anthocyanin content. In Europe, 25% proanthocyanidins content as a standard. Extracts 80-160mg per day is recommended for the improvement of eye health, but 160-240mg can treat eye diseases.), blueberry extract has no known side effects. Blueberry anthocyanins will not interact with other general prescription drugs, but also have no known contraindications symptoms for pregnancy and lactation. In any case, all pregnant and breastfeeding women should have consult their own personal doctor before taking it.


4. Product Application


(1) Medical Materials (2) health food (3) cosmetics



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