
Origen CP-70 CryoPur 100% DMSO

产品价格: 面议

最小起订量:暂无 可售数量:暂无

2021-05-10 01:30:01


产品中文名:二甲基亚砜/细胞冻存液、CryoSure-DMSO USP级冻存液产品英文名:OriGen CryoSure-DMSO USP Grade DMSO DMSO 二甲基亚砜 CP70/CP-70 特性说明: DMSO 二甲基亚砜 :分子式:(CH3)2SO(简写DMSO)分子量:78.13 沸点:189(760mmHg) 结晶点:18.45 比重:1.1014(20) 闪点:95 燃点:304 规格:优级品、医药级、光谱级、食品级、电子级。 性质:一种透明、无色、无臭、呈微苦味的液体,毒性极低。它是一种水溶性的化合物,能溶解绝大多数有机化合物,甚至对无机盐也能溶解。液态的二甲基亚砜能高度缔合。属极性溶剂具有很强的吸水性和对肌体的渗透性。纯品对金属无腐蚀,含水对铁、锌、铜有轻微腐蚀。性质稳定,长时间在沸点温度下加热微量分解在碱性状态下可抑制腐蚀或分解。 药用DMSO质量技术指标: 项 目 指 标 执行标准 含量(以DMSO) %: ≥ 99.9 GB/2307-1986 结晶点 ℃: ≥ 18.3 GB/T7533-1993 折射率: 1.478~~1.479 GB/T6488-1986 水分 %: ≤ 0.01 GB/T6283-1986 紫外消光值: 275nm ≤ 0.3 GB 9721-1988 285nm ≤ 0.2 295nm ≤ 0.2 重金属 PPm : ≤ 10 GB/7532-1987 比重 (20℃): 1.100-1.104 GB/4472-1984 酸值(0.1N/ml NaOH/50g):≤ 5.0 GB/9736-1988 储运:密闭、防晒、防水,18℃以下结晶。

USA: For Research Use only.Disclaimer of WarrantiesOriGen Biomedical warrants that reasonable care has been used in the manufacture of this device andthat it was free from defects in workmanship or materials at the time of shipment from OriGen.OriGens sole obligation shall therefore be to repair or replace any device which it determines wasdefective at the time of shipment. Because no product is completely effective under all circumstances,and because the actual use and handling of this device is beyond our control, OriGen cannot warrantfor a good effect or against a bad effect in the application and use of this device. The buyer thereforeassumes all liability arising from any cause for damages resulting from use, misuse, use other than asintended, or resterilization of this product. OriGen therefore gives no warranty of merchantability orfitness for a particular purpose. OriGen shall not be liable for incidental or consequential loss, damageor expense resulting from the use or application of this product. This warranty is in lieu of all otherwarranties, whether implied, express, oral or written, and no individual has the authority to vary theterms of this warranty.Manufactured by: European Representative:OriGen Biomedical, Inc. OriGen Biomedical Europe7000 Burleson Road, Building D Landskronavägen 25AAustin, TX, USA 78744 25232 HelsingborgLC-45/R04 03-2012, © OriGen Biomedical, inc. All Rights Reserved1. Day J & McLelann M; Cryopreservation and Freeze drying protocols. Cryopreservationof Animal and Human Cell Lines, Humana Press, NJ, 1995, p179+2. Stiff, P.; Murgo, A.; Zaroulis, C.; Derisi, M.; Clarkson, B. Cryobiology, 20 (1983)pp.17-24.3. Hovatta, O.; Silya, R.; Krausz, T.; Abir, R.; Margara, R.; Trew, G.; Lass, A. Winston, M.Human Reproduction, 11, no.6 (1996) pp.1268-1272.4. Improved Viability of Previously Frozen Platelets, Blood, 1972 40: 509-5135. Cryopreservation of Hematopoietic Stem/Progenitor Cells for Therapeutic UseWatt, SM, et al., Methods in Molecular Biology, 368, Jun 2007, p 237-2596. Effect of DMSO exposure without cryopreservation on hematopoietic progenitor cells.Bone Marrow Transplant. 1993 May;11(5):389-93.7. Junior AM, et al; Neurotoxicity associated with DMSO-preserved hematopoieticprogenitor cell infusion. Bone Marrow Transplantation (2008) 41, 95–96

8. American Cancer Society website

OriGen CryoPur Cryopreservation SolutionsIntended Use: OriGen CryoPur solutions are intended for use as acryopreservative media with synthesized cell cultures.Single use only: Multiple draws may be made from one vial using the VSVadapter, but do not reuse DMSO which has been exposed to cells or tissue.Sterile:. Sterilized by aseptic filtration. Do not use if not sealed.Storage:DMSO: Store in a dark well ventilated area, freezes (solidifies)at18°C. Recommended storage at 20-30°C.DMSO/Dextran: Store refrigerated: +2 to +8°CProduct Description: Dimethyl Sulfoxide (C2H6OS - DMSO) is aclear essentially odorless, hygroscopic, water-miscible liquid.Product Configuration: DMSO and DMSO/Dextran products areavailable in a variety of sizes and packages. Please see the websitefor a current listing of available configurations:

Cryoprotectant Mechanism: DMSO freely permeates the cell andmixes with water inside the cell, depressing the freezing point of thewater contained inside the cell. As the temperature decreases duringthe freezing cycle, expansion of ice crystals is inhibited, and the cellis protected from bursting. DMSO has been used to preserve avariety of cell types, including human bone marrow2, ovarian tissue3,pancreatic and platelet cells4, and hematopoietic stem cells5.Caution, Toxic: Because heat is generated when DMSO is mixedwith water, it should not be added directly to the cells.Caution, Aggressive: DMSO is a highly polar organic solvent, and isaggressive against many commonly used plastics (ABS, PVC, PC,etc). Degradation of your bag and tubing may occur, and unwantedbyproducts may be released into the sample. OriGen can supplyfreezing bags and transfer sets that are resistant to 100% DMSO.

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