
BD Matrigel™ 354230 Basement Membrane Matrix, Growth Factor Reduced (GFR), 10 ml LDEV-Free 基底膜

产品价格: ¥2945.00

最小起订量:暂无 可售数量:暂无

2021-05-27 01:30:02



产品英文名称:Basement Membrane Matrix, Growth Factor Reduced (GFR), 10 ml *LDEV-Free产品中文名称:基底膜基质胶,生长因子减少,5ml*不含LDEVBD Matrigel生长因子减少(GFR)基底膜基质胶适用于更高的所需的化学成分确定得病基底膜的制备。可以用在标准的肾小球滤过率,高浓度(HC),和不含酚红的格式中。重庆市华雅干细胞技术有限公司在仓库备有现货,欢迎新老客户来电咨询:电话:023-63015781         18983631204        QQ:463540947Basement Membrane Matrix, Growth Factor Reduced (GFR), 10 ml *LDEV-Free 产品介绍BD Matrigel™ Matrix is a solubilized basement membrane preparation extracted from Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm (EHS) mouse sarcoma, a tumor rich in ECM proteins. Its major component is laminin, followed by collagen IV, heparan sulfate proteoglycan, and entactin. BD Matrigel Matrix is effective for the attachment and differentiation of both normal and transformed anchorage-dependent epithelial and other cell types.BD Matrigel Matrix is highly useful in various studies including 3D cell culture, cell invasion and migration assays,drug metabolism/toxicology, in vitro and in vivo angiogenesis assays. This report describes the use of BD Matrigel Matrix for in vivo applications such as angiogenesis and human tumor cell implantation in mice.基底膜基质胶,生长因子减少,5ml*不含LDEV 的优点• Mouse colonies are routinely screened for pathogens via Mouse Antibody Production (MAP) testing• Extensive PCR testing is performed to screen for a number of pathogens, including LDEV, to ensure strict control of raw materials used during the manufacturing process• Tested and found negative for bacteria, fungi, and mycoplasma • Protein concentrations are determined by Lowry method• Endotoxin units are measured by Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate assay • BD Matrigel Matrix gel stability is tested for a period of 14 days at 37°C• Biological activity is determined for each lot using a neurite outgrowth assay. Chick dorsal root ganglia are plated on a 1.0 mm layer of BD Matrigel Matrix and must generate positive neurite outgrowth response after 48 hours without addition of nerve growth factorBasement Membrane Matrix, Growth Factor Reduced (GFR), 10 ml *LDEV-Free 产品应用• Cell Growth and Differentiation• Metabolism/Toxicology Studies• Invasion Assays• In Vitro and In Vivo Angiogenesis Assays• In Vivo Angiogenesis Studies and Augmentation of Tumors in Immunosuppressed MiceBasement Membrane Matrix, Growth Factor Reduced (GFR), 10 ml *LDEV-Free 保存方法Store at -20°C. Avoid multiple freeze-thaws. Do not store in frost-free freezer. KEEP FROZEN.


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