
RN 190-RNAzol RT—最新的small RNA提取试剂 MRC品牌代理

产品价格: ¥900.00

最小起订量:暂无 可售数量:暂无

2021-05-18 01:30:01



◆     全新萃取方式,革命性技术突破,省去繁复的分层步骤 ◆     只需加 "水" 即可沈淀 RNA,完全不须有机溶剂 ◆     可同时分离 "total RNA" 与 "small RNA" ◆     免分层、免用有机溶剂,操作方便又安全 ◆      全程可于室温完成 ◆     低 DNA 污染,不须 DNase 处理 ◆     可单独纯化 microRNA 订购信息 目录号 产品说明 规格/单位 价格 RN 190 RNAzol® RT  50 ml 900 RN 190 RNAzol® RT  100 ml 1640 RN 190 RNAzol® RT  200 ml 2960 RN 190 RNAzol® RT  500 ml 7300 RNAzol®RT is the most effective reagent for isolation of total RNA and small RNA from samples of human, animal, plant, bacterial and viral origin. This patented reagent (1) provides higher yield and quality of isolated RNA than previous reagents based on the single-step method (2,3). RNAzol®RT isolates pure and undegraded RNA that is ready for RT-PCR without DNase treatment. RNAzol®RT separates RNA from other molecules in a single-step based on the interaction of phenol and guanidine with cellular components. No chloroform-induced phase separation is necessary to obtain pure RNA. A biological sample is homogenized or lysed in RNAzol®RT. DNA, proteins, polysaccharides and other molecules are precipitated from the homogenate/lysate by the addition of water and removed by centrifugation. The pure RNA is isolated from the resulting supernatant by alcohol precipitation, followed by washing and solubilization. - The isolation procedure can be completed in less than one hour. The isolated RNA is ready for use in RT-PCR, qRT-PCR, microarrays, poly A+ selection, northern blotting, RNase protection assay and other molecular biology applications. - RNAzol®RT isolates mRNA and micro RNA in separate fractions. Alternatively, total RNA containing all classes of RNA in a single fraction can be isolated. In addition, RNAzol®RT allows for the sequential isolation of RNA and DNA. - The RNAzol®RT procedure is performed at room temperature, including centrifugation.



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