

产品价格: ¥1800.00

最小起订量:暂无 可售数量:暂无

2021-05-26 01:30:03


目录号 规格 价格 说明书下载
C406A 100μg 1800元
C406B 500μg 7200元
C406C 1mg 12800元


NANOG is a transcription factor critically involved in the signaling pathway for maintaining self-renewal and pluripotency of embryonic stem cells in absence of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF). Nanog is expressed in pluripotential cells of preimplantation and early postimplantation embryos, embryonic stem (ES) and embryonic germ (EG) cells. It is also expressed by certain cancer cells. Nanog protein consists of three domains with the homeodomain separating the N-terminal serine-rich domain from the C-terminal domain. The C-terminal domain is functionally dominant in transactivation, which contains a highly-conserved 10 pentapeptide repeat (WR) as well as another trans-activator module. Nanog regulates pools of target genes by binding to respective regulatory regions and it has been shown to work in concert with other transcription factors including Oct4 as well as Sox2 to supportstem cell potency and self-renewal.

·DescriptionRecombinant Human Nanog produced in E. coli is a single, non-glycosylated, polypeptide chain containing 305 amino acids and having a molecular mass of 34.6kDa. The Recombinant Human Nanog is produced as N-terminal TAT(transcriptional activator protein) fusion protien.

·Quality Control

Purity: Greater than 98.0% as determined by: (a) Analysis by RP-HPLC. (b) Analysis by reducing and non-reducing SDS-PAGE Silver Stained gel. Amino-Acid Sequence: The sequence of the first five N-terminal amino acids was determined and was found to be Met-Ser-Val-Asp-Pro.

Endotoxin:Less than 0.1ng/μg (1.0EU/μg) of rHuNanog.


·FormulationSterile and Lyophilized aliquots with a 0.2um filtered protein solution containing 20mM PBS pH 7.4.

·ReconstitutionIt is recommended to reconstitute the lyophilized rHuNanog in sterile PBS not less than 100μg/ml, which can then be further diluted to other solutions.

·Storage Lyophilized rHuNanog although stable at room temperature for 3 weeks, should be stored desiccated below -18°C. Upon reconstitution recombinant human Nanog should be stored at 4°C between 2-7 days and aliquots of reconstituted samples with 0.1% HSA or BSA are stable up to 3 months below -18°C for future use.


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