
细胞松弛素H Cytochalasin H CAS:53760-19-3

产品价格: ¥800.00

最小起订量:暂无 可售数量:999盒

2021-07-26 18:47:04


细胞松弛素H Cytochal 细胞松弛素H Cytochal800.00


货号: C17042
CAS号: 53760-19-3
供应商: 凯立德生物
数量: 3/3/2/2/1
英文名: Cytochalasin H
保存条件: 2-8℃
规格: 1mg
英文名称:Cytochalasin H

Cytochalasin H is used in actin polymerization studies. Cytochalasins are potent mycotoxins which bind to the barbed end of actin filaments resulting in inhibition of both the association and dissociation of subunits. Used as a tool for cytological research. These fungal toxins are related by their chemical structure characterized by a highly substituted hydrogenated isoindole ring to which is fused a macrocyclic ring. In vitro, cytochalasin H exhibits antibacterial, antifungal, nematocidal and antitumor activity.
The cytochalasins are cell-permeable fungal metabolites that inhibit actin polymerization. This interferes with such diverse processes as cell movement, growth, phagocytosis, degranulation, and secretion. Cytochalasin H is a potent inhibitor of actin incorporation into filaments. Like cytochalasin D , it also increases the steady-state diffusion coefficients of filaments, suggesting that it stimulates filament shortening.Cytochalasin H suppresses the production of reactive oxygen species by stimulated human neutrophils, blocks endocytosis of CD59 in lymphocytes, and shows anti-angiogenic activity both in vitro and in vivo.
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2. Structure of a new [11]cytochalasin, cytochalasin H or kodo-cytochalasin-1: M. A. Beno, et al.; JACS 99,
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3. Effect of cytochalasins B & H on isoelectric focusing of chick embryonic neural retina cells: S. Ghaskadbi &
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4. Effects of cytochalasin H on chick embryo explants cultured in vitro: S. Ghaskadbi, et al. Toxicology 33, 323
5. Effects of cytochalasin and phalloidin on actin: J.A. Cooper; J. Cell Biol. 105, 1473 (1987)
6. A new immunosuppressive cytochalasin isolated from a Pestalotia sp.: N. S. Burres, et al.; J. Antibiot. 45,
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7. Effects of cytochalasin H, a potent inhibitor of cytoskeletal reorganization, on platelet function: P. Natajaran,
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8. 1H and 13C NMR assignments of three nitrogen containing compounds from the mangrove endophytic fungus
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9. Cytotoxic cytochalasin metabolites of endophytic Endothia gyrosa: S. Xu, et al.; Chem. Biodivers. 6, 739
10. Characterization of kinase suppressor of Ras-1 expression and anticancer drug sensitivity in human cancer
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11. Application of cytochalasin compound cytochalasin H in manufacture of the medicine for resisting Parkinson's
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12. Cytochalasin H, an active anti-angiogenic constituent of the ethanol extract of Gleditsia sinensis Thorns: J.
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