
MagniSort™ Magnet, 5 mL ,ebioscienses磁力座

产品价格: ¥6500.00

最小起订量:暂无 可售数量:999盒

2021-05-27 01:30:02


货号: MAG-4902-10
供应商: 研卉生物
英文名: MagniSort™ Magnet, 5 mL
MagniSort™ Magnet, 5 mL ,ebioscienses磁力座  MAG-4902-10
Description: The MagniSort™ Magnet, 5 mL (Magneto) is designed to be used with 12x75 mm round bottom polystyrene tubes (5 mL, BD Falcon, cat. no. 352008 or equivalent), and can be used to magnetically separate up to 2x108 cells. For detailed instructions, follow the protocols provided with each separation kit.

买ebioscienses磁力座  MAG-4902-10,赠送一箱BD352008,5ML 12X75MM流式管。
  • 简单快速:无需分离管柱或洗脱
  • 温和不伤细胞:分选后的细胞培养三天进行CD25检测,细胞没有异常活化的现象
  • 纯度高、回收率好:从eBioscience的抗体中,精心挑选出分选效果最好的克隆
  • 磁珠分选后不影响细胞:100X油镜下也看不到磁珠,细胞形态不受影响
  • 分选产品:
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